Our Approach
Our Approach
Discovering effective solutions requires a sound assessment of policies’ impact.
We promote the use of academically rigorous methods, including randomized control trials (RCTs), to measure the impact of policies and programs addressing the challenges of natural resource governance. Over the last 15 years, scholars and practitioners have used RCT’s and natural experiments to test new interventions in health, education, and governance and to identify ideas worth scaling.
We believe this approach can bring new thinking and energy to the resource governance sector. We work with partners to apply the latest insights from the social and behavioral sciences to design new interventions and help our partners rigorously measure their impact.
PRG was launched in September 2017 by Graeme Blair, Darin Christensen, Laura Paler and Michael Ross. Today, it is led by researchers and staff members based at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and an experienced advisory board.
Our work is generously funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.