Americas Research Matchmaking Workshop
Washington D.C, USA
- Center for Global Development
- May 3, 2018
On May 3-4, 2018, PRG organized two day matchmaking workshop for practitioners and researchers working on natural resource governance issues in Latin America and Asia. Participants learned about existing evidence and latest research methodologies and explored ways to rigorously evaluate policies and programs. Representatives from PODER, Obervatorio de Desarrollo y Promocion Social A.C, Natural Resource Governance Institute, Mongolia, Grupo Faro, and Fundar participated in the workshop well as economists and political scientists based in academic institutions in Latin and North Americas.
- From Research Partnership to Policy Impact, Philip Keefer (IADB)
- Accountability in South Africa, Darin Christensen (UCLA)
- Challenges and Solutions to the Resource Curse, Graeme Blair (UCLA) and Laura Paler (University of Pittsburgh)
- Introduction to Field Experiments, Cesi Cruz (University of British Columbia)